Tuesday, 27 December 2011

electrical contractors in glasgow and paisley area

Electrical contractor in glasgow, it is the chrismas holidays but the phone has been red hot as usual i feel like im the on electrician electrician actually at work over the festive period. maby after the new year it will go back to normal, working 2moro afternoon in glasgow city centre so off to bed for me just now.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

christmas day 2011 and already had a call out for 1pm someone has no power, just contemplating how long it is actually going to take to get to motherwell from mosspark glasgow, call out charge is high for christmas day but im going to tey and at least get his problem sorted out today even though i will get loads of grief from the family for leaving on chrismas day, but thats what comes with running a business. www.wesuk.co.uk electrical contractor glasgow